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I had randomly set myself the goal of getting Platinum and now played the Next Gen version. What else can I say about this game, of course it's still great. But I think I like the game even more now than before.

The story, characters and world are unrivalled. The extensive back story of the books and other games makes everything feel so realistic and lived in. I don't know of any game that can compete with it. The atmosphere and music have this very special vibe, which probably comes from the Polish origins.

The Deathmarch experience was very nerve-wracking at the beginning, but once you decided on a build, it got progressively easier. Maybe even too easy, Igni melts away almost everything in the endgame. Still a fun experience. The balancing is sometimes very chaotic and some systems like repairing weapons and armour are not well implemented. It doesn't affect the gameplay at all, but every now and then you have to run to the blacksmith.

I've ignored Gwent in all my previous runs, I've never regretted anything so much. Collecting all the cards and building decks was almost the most fun part of the whole game. So good that I went straight for Thronebreaker and the Gwent game.

Absolutely fantastic game.