Log Status






Time Played

3h 45m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

March 25, 2024

First played

March 2, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This was a pretty decent short DLC that adds to the main story of the base game by wrapping up a few things yet also managing to leave some questions open for potential future use in a sequel. I really liked that we got to see more of an expansion on Ethan and Rose's relationship as its pretty much nonexistent in the original game due to Rose only being a baby there but here, now that she's grown up, she can interact with Ethan or 'Michael' (which was a pretty obvious twist that this 'Michael' guardian angel was actually Ethan) and so that helps make their relationship much more interesting and fleshes out both of their individual characters, particularly for Rose with like I mentioned earlier, her being a baby in the base game means that aspects of her character are told rather than shown whereas here we see why Rose was such a valuable person to Mother Miranda.

I liked the evolution of Rose's abilities throughout the story and it was a good albeit predictable story about her coming to accept who she is and her abilities rather than letting fears of being a freak get to her. The ending fight with Mother Miranda as well as Eveline, with the use of her powers helped to distinguish these battles from others we gave had before against these villains.

Choosing to have the story mainly take place in Castle Dimitrescu and House Beneviento was also a good choice as they were my favourite locations from the original and they are used differently enough to avoid making them feel like retreads of previous levels and the House Beneviento stuff continues to be where the horror and suspense/tension elements of the game reign strongest as the use of the dolls and the mannequins was well done and genuinely creeped me out. Its easily the most memorable aspect of this DLC.

Overall, I think this was a decent DLC that helps to provide some conclusion on Ethan's story as well as adding to Rose's character while leaving open some old and new questions for potential future usage. The House Beneviento segment is easily the most memorable moment in the DLC and for good reason because it is genuinely very well crafted but besides from that there's no other moment in the game that is as distinct.