63 Reviews liked by Dawlphinn

The game is filled with great spectacle, visuals and music. The visuals are stunning, and very well detailed, every part of Midgar feels very lived in. The new arrangements of the classic soundtrack are pretty much all great, with only a few I'd consider worse than the original. Combat is a weird mix of turn based and action, that doesn't feel satisfying until the second half, when you've unlocked most of your moves. Control is also taken away from the player very often during fights, this is mostly to show a transitioning scene, or cool spectacle, but it often screws with the pacing of the fight.

The writing of the game is fine, with the main cast and their interactions with one another easily being the best part of it. The game seems to know this, and takes advantage of it well. The writing and pacing do however take a noticeable dive during the last 2-3 chapters. Big reveals happen very suddenly and don't get explained too well. This results in the game having a very unsatisfying final stretch.

Not as good as part one, but still super duper awesome. Doom Eternal is so fucking good it's insane.

The new stuff in this DLC just wasn't as good as the new stuff in the first DLC. The hammer and grapple is cool and the levels are fun but all the new enemies are more annoying. I could deal with the spirit from Part One, but the Cursed Prowler is so goofy. The armored baron and stone imp are just annoying. The final boss is actually horrible I can't believe how bad it is.