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When I think of games that have enormous potential for deep thematic messages and social commentary for children, Psychonauts comes to mind. Psychonauts at times exceeds the original and presents more of what I loved about the first game. The unending quirkiness of the character designs, brilliant writing, and hilarious pun-like items and enemies create such a fun and cohesive art direction that I feel is some of the best in the game industry. This is elevated in Psychonauts 2 with beautiful graphics and serene landscapes. Every character model is very appealing to look at, at times reminding me of painted models. Much of this game has you going from mind to mind completing platforming or combat based goals, with a few puzzle solving elements. What I really loved about this game is how consistent it felt compared to the first game, where gameplay really feels like it comes together. The combat is still very basic, but any annoyance is alleviated by the dodge mechanic and the abilities you acquire. Grabbing something random and throwing it at an enemy felt satisfying and using psy blast and the "slow down" ability made enemies a breeze.

What I think falters a little bit is some of the minds. There's a lot of good here though, I really enjoyed Forsythe's mind, Lobotto's mind, Cassie's and Boole's, and Psi King's was great, but there seemed like what I could really only describe as "fluff" with Ford's fractured segments. The main minds they really knocked out of the park, but the in-between moments felt like I was just trying to advance and learn about the story. Which eventually paid off! But I think some of the minds don't live up to the most memorable and creative moments in the first game, which handles its social commentary a lot less obtusely.

I really dug the story. At points I was curious where they were going but it really plays out like a mystery. By the end, I was really satisfied with how they built up Raz and Lilli and their families. The lore and worldbuilding actually felt substantial to the conflict.

Psychonauts 2 succeeds in bringing more of the same while delivering a more grand story for those that have stayed on.