Log Status






Time Played

25h 0m

Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

April 15, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


While I very much enjoyed "Mirage" with it's beautiful setting and fine details, the story was a bit of a let down. Did I learn that much more about Basim?...Not quite, but I'm just glad we had a lil' more Assassins Creed. And what I mean by that is, like it was back in the day, kind of.... This time around it is once again more about stealth and the actual Hidden Ones, something that was missing from the previous 3 installments and it shows what and actual big title in the franchise could be like in this style. "Mirage" wasn't all that unfortunately. Many people praise it's combat, but to me it was very underwhelming and often time frustratingly cluncky. You have your light attack, heavy attack, parry and dodge...and that's about it. especially in the early hours, if you encounter 2 regular enemies and a heavy one (who can only be attacked in the back), you're gonna have a miserable time because these guys don't simply wait their turn either and with the limited skills Basim has...it get's frustrating real soon. Later on you'll get some gadgets ofcourse to even the playfield but even then it remains repetitive.
Speaking of repetitiveness, so are the missions from begining till endgame. Infiltrate, kill or gather intel, sometimes follow someone....those are basically the only missions.

It's also a very short game, too short if you ask me, too little content for the 40$ price tag. I read online it's about 40 hours, which would be fine....but I finished it 100% in 25 hours without mucking about. The actual story will probably be over in 20 I guess...So that kinda stinks. I've payed 60 for "Valhalla" and "Odyssey", bot of them I've spent over 150 hours for a full 100% playthrough....so, just to make a comparison....

Anyway, it's absolutely not a bad game, I've had a lot of fun parcouring, collecting stuff, sneak killing and hiding in the shadows. The game looks gorgeous and ran very smoothly without any hiccups. Just, a bit underwhelming I guess.