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The score is a reflection of the time I had with the game. Does this game deserve a 2? I don’t know. It’s extremely well made. But I hated the game. And I ain’t here to review a game objectively. If that was the case everyone would have the same games atop their lists. My ratings go off enjoyment.

I ain’t much of a fan of Horizon as an IP. Shooting robots with primitive weapons doesn’t do much for me and I don’t find the feedback very satisfying. The tribes are all very surface level and constantly have to state verbally why they belong to that tribe. Carja constantly talk about the sun. Tenakth talk about fighting. Oseram mention the forge every second word and Utaru constantly refer everything back to plant life. I don’t need these reminders constantly. This game is very pretty to look at but there’s no depth to be found. Whether that’s in its world building, it’s sci fi story or it’s characters.

The story is frustrating. You start the game chasing a sub function who moved servers. You catch it. You chase more. You put them together, one sub function escapes again. You win. But you don’t, because another threat is on the way and Aloy must prepare. It feels like you save the whole world in this game for it to not matter what so ever because it’s at stake yet again before the third game even comes out.

Combat has a few different options but it’s very easy to fall into a routine early on. The skill trees didn’t seem to have much effect on gameplay. In fact I stopped bothering with them half way through and platinumed the game with 160+ unspent skill points. Some enemies have the really annoying tendency to knock you down and stand on you, throwing the camera into a fit where it’s insanely hard to see where a loy is. Couple this with enemies that screech and stop you aiming and some encounters are a sh*t show.

But that’s my thoughts. If you enjoyed this game then more power to you. At the end of the day it was my £50 I wasted.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2022
