This game has received a lot of hate from people coming off of Persona and expecting it to be like that. Let me just say that the only way to enjoy this game is to realize that it’s not Persona. SMT V focuses way more on perfecting the gameplay and turn based formula than having a complex story or great characters. Not to say the story isn’t good, but it’s only secondary to the gameplay, which is kinda the point of SMT. With that being said, this is by far the best turn based strategy game I’ve ever played. It’s like they took the most recent SMT game’s battle system prior to this (Persona 5 Royal) and made it about 100 times more fun and satisfying (and included actual difficulty and challenge which they seemed to forget to do in Persona). Aside from gameplay, other things the game does excellently include the music, the character designs, the environments, and more. The DLC is also pretty good but a little pay to win considering how broken Cleopatra is. The True Demon quest line is very fun though. Overall this game is quite addictive and interesting but the story is the main flaw (which isn’t bad, just a bit rough around the edges).

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

"than having a complex story or great characters."

Persona 5 had neither of those and even then that doesn't excuse them to peddle whatever garbage they wrote over a weekend especially when this game was announced in 2017

"perfecting the gameplay and turned based formula"

they already perfected their formula by releasing nocturne back in 2003 and other games they released with press turns and the only thing they have to show for here is a pseudo open world but having the most awful movement system imaginable where jumping doesn't retain any momentum

in fact the inclusion of persona style buffing where debuffs/buffs are now seperated by single and multi-target variants with a three turn timer completely ruin the sense of flow the press turn system was supposed to promote

"excellent character designs"

character designs like the aloof guy with the word "SUCKER" on his baseball cap and when he turns malevolent he gets spiky hair and a permanent furrowed brow

and how are you gonna praise the gameplay aspect then mention how cleopatra literally breaks the game man this is such an awful review