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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 11, 2022

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a fantastic and incredibly faithful addition to the first Deus Ex while still offering many new things to stand out from the shadow of the original. The story, while not quite as strong as the first, tackles many other ideas within the world like the idea of augmentations, transhumanism, and how it gets wrapped up in worldly politics. Adam Jensen is just so incredibly badass and anytime he does a brutal Arkham styled takedown I clap. The gameplay is a pretty good modernization of the free-form design from the original, still giving you multiple ways to approach enemies or missions, on top of a revamped augmentation skill system that I had fun with. The bosses are a bit all over the place in terms of quality or enjoyment, some are interesting while others feel too specific for one set playstyle that it edges on tedious.

While the Director’s Cut removed the yellow tint which seemed actually vital to the aesthetic of the game, I still enjoyed the Cyberpunk Renaissance look of it even if it's removed here. But what it changed that while playing I didn’t realize but made sense completely after was how it shoved The Missing Link DLC right in the middle of the third act which explained why the pacing took a weird hit.

Will get around to playing the sequel at one point and get depressed on this trilogy never getting an ending.