“Looks like my summer vacation is over.”

The first hours of the game are perfect. The length does seem pretty intimidating at first, but knowing the sheer scope and size of the entire game, it's really nothing. It starts off as practically a different game with a totally different story. An unexpected bait and switch. But it's through these hours that you feel incredibly immersed and connected with Roxas and his friends just sort of doing their own thing in Twilight Town. All while mysterious things start occurring that makes it clear everything isn't right for Roxas. This prologue works really well as a proper Re:Introduction of everything Re:Chain of Memories sets up. Roxas' journey is cut tragically short, doesn't last as expected for Sora to finally return, but is necessary to provide the thematic foundation of what Kingdom Hearts II is about -- self-acceptance.

For everything that Kingdom Hearts 1 tries to do, Kingdom Hearts II does it in a whole other league of its own. Just about everything is improved and better. The gameplay, the combat, the story, the music, the worlds, etc. No longer is there claustrophobic and condensed levels with janky camera movements. It becomes a trade-off though as while there's a severe lack of annoying platform segments, it does leave a lot to be desired in terms of exploration.

There is some story stuff which feels weirdly handled. The overall pacing of the main story can feel a bit off, usually because of some plot dumps. Everything to do with Pete and Maleficent seemed cool at first, but then it just dwindles because they're basically benched throughout the rest of the game to make way for Organization 13. It really felt like they were struggling to incorporate them to justify why Heartless are still a major threat while also trying to show why the Nobodies are the new important threat to be stopped.

But outside of those minor gripes, I still really love just about everything else the game offers. Nomura just knows how to make overly sincere, sentimental, but damn enjoyable games like no other.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2021
