A certainly flawed yet very effective, wonderful classic deserving of its cultural status.

It has probably some of the best introductory levels of any video game, perfectly setting up the exciting story and atmosphere. The musical score is so beautifully well composed and adds to the aesthetic. The characters are all memorably lovable, endearing, funny, yet deep and tragic. Cloud's story of self-acceptance is so personal and subversive in ways I didn't see coming.

There are things that show their age though, the mandatory mini-games are almost godawful and disrupt the story's pacing. Some of the story feels like stuff was left on the cutting room floor, and kinda dropped. While I do like the older graphics and the aesthetic they provide, I think it made navigating certain environments feel a chore to go through.

Also the English localization is pretty shoddy and really could've used so much more polish.

But in the grand scheme of things, these are nothing more than minor problems greatly outweighed by the great stuff. It's a great, rewarding experience that deserves its cultural status as a classic.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2020
