I'll never peak in life as much as the time I beat my whole family at bowling when I was 6 years old.

It's Wii Sports, there's not much to say, really, while since then some technical demos have proven to be more fun and compact (Astro's playroom comes to mind) few have proved to be as replayable , consistent and just plain fun as this one.

It's just a fun collection of sports games with the core idea of them being as simple as possible, and sometimes that kind of dumb fun it's all you need. Bowling is the clear winner of the bunch, with tennis and golf also pretty good inclusions, but baseball was never a home run of a game for me (pun very much intended), and boxing just feels janky, sometimes the fun type of janky, but it can just devolve into shaking the controller like a madman, which none of the other games do.

It's nothing more than a pretty fun little time spender, but the fact it's even something a bit remarkable being a technical demo and a pack in title is really, REALLY shocking when you stop and think about it.

Still, it's not the best technical demo, it's not the best pack in title, it just sits in a very comfortable spot being both things, and it rocks at what it does.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023


A pack-in so good it sold the Wii as an all-in-one toy, to other games' detriment. I wish Nintendo wasn't burnt so hard by this being too good at its job, since then we'd get more cute stuff like it.

1 year ago

honestly might be one of the most played games of all time, far above even its titanic sales
@PasokonDeacon It's honestly amazing that it had the cultural impact it ended up causing, and yeah, it's a shame that Nintendo never tried something like this again, I know that some Wii U's had Nintendo Land as a pack in title but they eventually stopped doing that I belive, which it's a shame. And to this day I have no idea how 1-2 Switch was a 60 dollar retail game, it could have been a perfect game come with the console and I think that way more people would remember it a bit more fondly.

@LordDarias For many people, incluiding friends of mine at the time, this was the only game they had on the Wii for almost a year, 'cause for some it was more than enough, plus people booting it up to this day to have fun with pals, it's absolutely up there.

1 year ago

i was a fuckin beast at bowling thanks for the nostalgia lol