When I discovered UNDER A STAR CALLED SUN, I was interested by its premise, and I wanted to see how they would manage to tell something meaningful in such a short amount of time. It made me tear up, it made me feel longing for so many beautiful moments that are beginning to be harder and harder to recall. In just. Seven. Minutes.

I won't beat the bush any longer than necessary, after all the experience itself is very short and doing a full-blown analysis would be overkill and spoil you of the experience. There may be games that tell similar things in a more compelling way, but this little work of art being as it is, a marvelous reflection across the stars, a beautiful poem about missing the old times, about missing old friends... And it's precious.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2023


1 year ago

Its my favourite game by Cecile, but be sure to check out her other stuff like Hope and Continental Drift
Oh I didn't know she made more stuff, I'll check the other games out for sure. Thanks for the info! :D