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I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this game. I'm glad Riot is starting to put out more content so we can actually see their amazing characters interact with each other. I loved listening to every conversation the party had with each other and watching them have genuine interactions instead of just random voice lines like it is in League.

The gameplay is really fun. I'm not much of a turn-based RPG player outside of Pokemon games so this was interesting to get used to. I think as per usual with these types of games once you have a rhythm going and your party starts reaching its peak it becomes not super challenging. Thankfully though unlike in Pokemon games, there are different difficulties to choose from so on my second time around I'll have to give Heroic a try.

The only real negatives I have are occasional bugs (fortunately none were game-breaking), lots of loading (played on the Series X so that wasn't much of a hassle) and some of the 3D models can look a tad weird in the ultimate move cinematics. Besides that the game is fantastic and I hope Airship Syndicate makes more games like this set in the League Universe.