4 Reviews liked by DekoDGS

Mother 1 has a pretty bad reputation in the west, seen as "unplayable" "brutal" and the like.
Because of this its often over looked in favor of Mother 2 and 3, which are both amazing games but I don't think Mother 1 really deserves the reputation it has

Nintendo fans who've never played a JRPG and won't bother to actually learn how to play will have a very hard time getting through it but if you're a fan of the genre its a short but incredibly beautiful journey

At the core of it all is the theme of Love. The game was made because Shigesato itoi wanted to connect with his daughter more, and that love and care comes across all through out the game

A game of progressively getting to see lots of wacky and charming stuff, while all the "worst game design ever" just... wasn't?

Having someone guard while I'm off going places i needed to anyways until they can fight sure was one of the grinds of all time. And i dunno those dungeons were fine. Except Mt. Itoi I guess but just run away. Your attacker cannot legally hurt you without your consent.

What I'm trying to say is that if this is the standard of quality and wit set by a game the Internet decided sucked because the inventory is a bit shit, then I'm gonna be in for a treat with the rest of the series.

Asch: Shut up! THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC! You can't "possibly" understand how I feel! You stole "my past" AND "my future"! Now is all the "time" I have!

Luke: Now is all I have, too!
I don't even have a past to lose. But I've still decided that I'm "me". It doesn't matter what you think. Here I am. If that's the source of the strength you're talking about, then "I WON'T LOSE"!

Asch: Well said. I will make those words YOUR LAST, REPLICCCAAAAAAAAA!

giganto started dancing gangnam style after forgetting we had that mod and it automatically made the DLC peak