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1 day

Last played

January 3, 2023

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Gameplay wise, it's not much different than any other Castleroid. There are islands multiple islands to explore, which are each their own separate maps. Each map is kind of structured like a section of a Zelda game: Explore the overworld, get access to the dungeon, gain a new ability, fight the boss, repeat. Just like Zelda, I'd say the dungeons are the highlight. Each one teaches you how to use your newly acquired ability well, and it blends platforming and action well. Many of the worlds can be completed without backtracking to another, although that's not always true, and backtracking is a good idea anyway because some areas can't be reached without a late game item. This, combined with a great balance between giving a general goal but not insulting the player's intelligence, gives the game a great sense of pacing for the most part.

Those abilities, however, are pretty basic. This may be due to the game being release right before the renaissance of the Castleroid genre, but still. Melee attacks, Ranged attacks, dashes, glides, and midair jumps, while fun, do make this game blend into the crowd in that regard. Axiom Verge, which released a year after this, had way more unique abilities (That game has its own issues, but that's a discussion for another time).

The only other gameplay note is how the items work, which I'm kind of mixed on. I like that each item maxes out at 9, so you can't spam healing items... too much. You also can't use items if you're prone or in the air. However, as long as you don't constantly spam items, you can easily steamroll bosses with monster milk and pike balls. I never took more than two attempts at a boss. Most other sections of the game don't have this problem either, because platforming sections start you over at the beginning of a room, so you can't really cheese them.

The biggest thing I was dreading going into this one was the story. However... I kind of liked it? I don't think it's great or anything, but it contextualizes the events well, and all of the ways in which the story lets you progress is really funny. I also like some of the characters. But yeah, this is still far from the peak of gaming storytelling, even for a game like this.

Visually, the game is great. Even if they're not all particularly unique (Bog island is really cool, but the others are mostly basic), all the locations look excellent, and so do the animations. The soundtrack is also really good, and each theme fits the area well.

Overall, a very good game. I don't know if I'll check out other games in this series, since I've heard this is the best one, but still. It could maybe become an 8, but a 7/10 for now.