1 review liked by Deltapear

This game is utter madness. Great and charming madness. I feel like some of the levels were made by the insane. Some design choices so maniacal, so devilish that I'm surprised they were approved by NoA. A few levels were almost asininine to play. But the rest I either respected for cleaver game design or found fun regardless. On that note, I couldn't imagine the youth beating some of these levels without suffering. I came back to this game out of nostalgia of playing the first couple levels and loving the concept & execution. To this day, I'm still very fond of the movement and partial freedom of what you can do with all the forms of flips and jumps. Overall, a very fun title that can stand on it's own and entertain for a quick couple levels if out on the go or for someone itching for cleaver puzzles and intricate platforming. Also, as I was playing through my recent run & completion, the remake was announced which was pretty funny timing.