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Man, I love Hitman. I've always been a fan of the Hitman series since I first played them who the hell knows when as a teenager when I first picked up Blood Money. The experience was clunky, a bit confusing, and obtuse as hell in many ways, but goddamn was that some of the most fun I ever had. Years went by and until I really grew up I didn't visit the series in full but now that I have, lemmie tell you, this first one is skung as shit. Hitman Codename 47 is a jank ass experience that often feels incredibly stilted, obtuse, and downright wild in so many aspects of its core gameplay design. Yet all the same, much like Blood Money and every title after it, the world it sets up and the sandbox it puts you in are amazing right from the get go. So many sets in it are actually incredibly impressive for the time and even today look pretty good. The amount of ways to kill people is not nearly as diverse as later titles sure, but the experience is also a fundamental building block the series would go on to use. The story is, well, it exists and is fine but also it's goofy as absolute shit, which I like, so I'm a bit biased here. Overall I still highly recommend smoking it today, there's a lot of heart on display here.