2 reviews liked by DemonRebuilt

One of the best Survival games on the market, fun by yourself and with friends. A tense hostile world thats fun to learn and master, with a huge amount of content and a fair business model. One of Kleis most popular games for a very good reason.

Reviewing Starfield is one of the hardest things I can imagine.
It's very difficult to talk about it, because, while the raw content present (read: questlines, narrative, universe, gunplay, etc.) is great, it is a game that has several factors that put it down and take away from it. enormous potential of what the experience could be.

Here we have Bethesda's best game in the RPG factor after Morrowind, and at the same time, the one with the worst exploration and feeling of progression of Todd's games, so that for me, the game's struture is almost a betrayal of the game design established in TES and Fallout, and that really upset me.

Furthermore, I really have the impression that this game went through development hell. It has elements that were visibly inserted at the last minute and others that you are sure were cut, the result is that the combination of each of these elements makes Starfield look like a mess on several fronts, generating a feeling of distrust and that you are not in control of the game at various times, going against the comfortable and immersive experience that the studio's other games provide so well.

In any case, I really support whoever loved it, it's very ambitious and will have a bright future over the years, whether with updates from Bethesda that will improve the experience or with the modder community. This game will be for many people what Morrowind/Skyrim were for me, I have no doubt about that.

Starfield is a great game, but for now, it left me with mixed feelings.
I know Bethesda could do better.