Far Cry 5 2018

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 14, 2024

Platforms Played


It's fine, it does nothing to revolutionize the series, but improves and adds a couple of things, which I appreciate. My favourite change being the sped up gameplay in general. Movement is more fluid, they ditched the looting animations, and takedowns are a lot faster to execute. I also liked the addition of guns and fangs for hire, bringing a new dynamic into the known gameplay loop (It's not completely new to the series, but drastically expanded upon). The core gameplay is solid, with the focus on liberating outposts. The only criticism I have is the subpar hit feedback. It's alright during stealth, when using silenced weapons and a bow, but during firefights, the feedback of bullet impact kinda gets lost, and it feels like I'm shooting sacks of flour, which is admittedly a criticism I have since Far Cry 3. Fortunately, there is almost always the option to play stealthily, so it didn't bother me too much. What did bother me, though, was the sometimes terrible mission design during the story sequences, the peak of which being the last boss fight of the game.
Speaking of which, what a terrible ending. I don't dislike what they did, but how they did it. This needed more build up, it came way too sudden, and that whole ending sequence lasted maybe 3 minutes. The general premise, though, I liked. I have nothing against Montana and although It's not as exotic as Far Cry 3 and 4 it has its own distinct vibe, with the cult roaming the land. I just wished they would have leaned more into the disturbing part of it. I'm still remembering those eerie teaser trailers they put out before release. I don't think they quite nailed that atmosphere in the final game. What I did not expect is the amount of work they would put into the music side of things. Every region having their own interpretation of songs written for the cult, from way to catchy country songs to ambient dreamy tracks, that make one of the areas in the game almost a feverish dream at times. The music is probably the highlight of the game for me. The rest is an okay game, which could get stale, but is thankfully one of Ubisoft's series with comparatively short playtimes.