In Far Cry 3 you play as Jason Brody (a normal character with no military experience) as he tries so set his friends free after they were captured by pirates, who are lead by an iconic antagonist called Vaas.

At first they were all captured while they were skydiving near the Rook Island, but Jason's older brother helped him escape the outpost before the camp was alerted, unfortunately his brother didn't make it. This was the start of Jason's journey to release all his friends and to avenge older brother's death.
While being on this journey, there is a group of natives of the island who are willing to help you, if you help them liberate the island by taking control over outposts all over the island. Apart from that, there are multiple activities and side quest which you can access after liberating a part of the island. Well, most of them becomes repetitive after some time and you lose interest completing them, but they give you some extra few hours of gameplay.
Jason will not only learn how to be a warrior, but also how to survive the jungle. By gathering certain plants, you will be able to craft syringes which will amplify you skills, and by hunting and gathering animal skins, you will be able to upgrade yourself so that you can carry more loot, ammo, syringes, etc.
Following the main storyline after some time you will gain ability to learn more skills, which are represented on a Tatau, which will complete itself after learning all skills. The main story is great, and on my opinion, it can be separated in two parts, every part of the story on a separate island. The first one where you will set you friends free and where you will kill Vaas, and the second one where you will hunt down Hoyt to help Citra avenge his brother Vaas for turning him into a madman.
Well, apart the great memorable story, there is also a character who stand out above all, and that is Vaas, of course, the crazy maniac who starts talking like a reasonable person and ends the talk by yelling at you and killing someone. He shows only in few cutscenes, but his impact as a character stands out.
The Rook Island is vast and beautiful, graphics are amazing, even today. Great amount of weapons, skills, upgrades and activities. The only thing that really shown how old this game is was the barely holding the 30 fps cap while driving and the bottom of the screen tearing while running.

All in all, for open-world fans this is a must play, within this game you get not only a beautiful world to explore full of mysteries to reveal, but also a great story full of iconic characters.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
