Dying Light is an action-packed zombie survival game, with implemented rpg elements to make the progression within the game more rewarding.

The additional title "Good Night, Good Luck" isn't there just to make the title more serious, but literally, if you complete quests or just roam around the map of Harran at night, you will be always making sure that you have a safe zone nearby so that you can take shelter in it, if you get caught by volatiles, which are probably the worst type of zombies in the game but at least you can't find them roaming around all the time since their skin can't support UV radiation.
The day and night cycle and having different weather effects makes you feel more or less safer, more or less cautious, all in all, weather does effect how easy you can get scared.
In the beginning of the game doing quest during night is a suicide mission, later when you get access to takedowns, camouflage, guns and overall better gear, playing at night will be a rewarding and scary experience.
The main story isn't at a Last of Us level but it's acceptable as the main selling point for this game is the combat, parkour and the environment and the amazing coop experience.
Combat and parkour are fluid, something on which the first Dead Island hasn't been really working on as the only parkour you had were interactions with objects and jumping.
Coop is probably the best way to play the game, similar to Dead Island, as you have to finish the prologue first and set the game server to public.

All in all, one of the best zombie survival game so far. Parkour, combat, coop and the environment is where this game shines. The element of danger that this game offers will be enough for years and after completing it you will be left with only good scary memories.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2023
