I am so glad that Remedy is a studio that makes games that are so unique and unapologetically weird. Part of the reason this game is so amazing is that Remedy fully embraces that weirdness and runs with it. What results is one of the best survival-horror games I've ever played. Can it go toe-to-toe with the likes of the RE4 remake in terms of gameplay? Frankly, no it can't. But god damn does it ever make up for that in sheer personality.

Some things I loved:

- I'd say this game likely has the best character models I've ever seen in a video game hands down (I played on a 4080 on ultra settings which really made them pop).

- The environments are also incredibly detailed with some of my favorites being the Valhalla nursing home and Coffee World.

- The story can easily shift from spooky to silly to sad to spooky again without losing a step.

- The musical section has to be one of the most memorable moments in all of gaming.

- Most of the shadow enemies will ignore you, but some will attack. This really keeps the player on edge during the sections they're featured in, especially when you have to walk past a group of them.

- Remedy seems totally content with having long sections where they allow the player to just walk through an atmospheric area to soak up the vibe and build tension without throwing an enemy at you every three seconds, which I really appreciated.

- I loved that Alan narrated his own experience.

- Ahti.

Some things I didn't love:

- Some of the boss battles seemed to be slightly lacking.

- While fun, the gameplay does not seem to be quite strong enough to carry an experience of this length, leaving the story and characters and world to do the heavy lifting here.

Overall this is a fantastic, unique survival-horror game that I would recommend to anyone and everyone.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
