Log Status






Time Played

30h 5m

Days in Journal

10 days

Last played

April 2, 2024

First played

March 19, 2024


As opposed to the LBP games this one was built around the platforming. The mechanics are very tight making the levels very fun to speed run. It seems this borrows a lot of ideas from big platformers before it, there’s a little bit of New Super Mario bros vibes as well as some Rayman Legends (with fun but much less impressive music levels).

Despite the improved controls I still like the LBP games better, there is a certain charm Media Molecule had, both in the storytelling and the gameplay mechanics. There is a handful of levels but the scope is greatly reduced, lacking creative mode as well as an active community component. I found it a bit tedious too you couldn’t create or change costumes whenever you pleased. It’s very lacking for a first-party Sony game.

Nonetheless it’s an alright game, something fun for your kids or to casually play with your friends