The Disney part of Kingdom Hearts is not "filler", you absolute lunatics. Even if it feels like Square Enix themselves are treating it that way now, the Disney stuff is core to the whole series' appeal, and none of the future games do it quite as rightly as Kingdom Hearts 1. It is a big, goofy action platformer that beautifully captures what it means to be young, and to be honest I'm getting sick of people trashing the combat for being a step behind KH2. I tried letting Warcraft 3 be my 2002 Game of the Year. I really, truly did. Every time I looked at that list, it made me sad, and I will commit this logical dishonesty no further. If for no other reason than the pure artistic audacity of its very existence, Kingdom Hearts is the best thing that happened to video games in 2002.

Reviewed on May 08, 2020
