Kingdom Hearts is an action role-playing game developed and published by Squaresoft for the PlayStation 2. It is the result of a collaboration between Square and The Walt Disney Company. The game combines characters and settings from Disney's animated features with those from the Final Fantasy series, developed by Square. Kingdom Hearts was a departure from Square's standard role-playing games by introducing a substantial action-adventure element. In addition, it has an all-star voice cast which included many of the Disney characters' official voice actors. Kingdom Hearts was longtime Square character designer Tetsuya Nomura's first time in a directorial position. The game uses an experience based progression system, with experience gained by defeating foes. Experience gained rises in relation to the strength of the foe, and is consistent for each enemy over the course of the game. Levels are gained with experience, and provide increases to stat attributes in strength, defence, magic, hit points, magic points and ability points, with a new, predetermined ability unlocked approximately every four levels.

Also in series

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Released on


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Note: I only rate the soundtrack of the game! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Favorite track: Dearly Beloved
Composer: Yoko Shimomura

For such a bizarre concept, it is genuinely crazy for it all to be so magical and badass; getting the possibility to explore classic Disney worlds and even team up with some of the heroes is something that somehow clicks. There may be flaws such as the game speed, story that needed more development and a very weird difficulty curve; but at the end of the day you get such a neat little gem that got infinitely better as the series continued…

My first run was proud mode. I beat it after 90 hours in that one run. My roommate got jealous because I actually beat something he hadn't, miss you Mr. Wiskey.

Um clássico do PS2, boa história, controles ok, péssima câmera.

As a kid this was a magical, yet absurd, and at times even scary experience. The contrast between the familiarity of disney and the distant, legendary feel of some final fantasy characters gives this game an unique atmosphere. The soundtrack is absolutely astronomical. It's one of those games you replay through your life and will stay with you always. I remember the marketing campaign made you feel this title was going to be a special event, and it surely ended up being one.

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