If "The Monster Mash" Was A Video Game
As a kid who who loved reading Goosebumps books and other spooky fare, I found this point-and-click-adventure/proto-horror game absolutely enchanting. It's hard to recall if I ever technically finished it but I'm sure I got AN ending of some kind. I just remember it being so scary that a monster could teleport into the same room as you and you would have to appease it or try to run away, lest you become cursed, which was terrifying to the point of needing to turn the game off immediately. I wonder if I would enjoy horror games as much as I do today without this little gem.

Who Else Misses The Scholastic Book Fair?
I had completely forgotten about this little piece of edutainment from my EARLY days of gaming. It's not amazing or anything, to be sure, but it DID teach me about the gravitational force of each planet in our solar system. Platforming on Jupiter sucks ass. It's not quite Interstellar, but I think that this was probably my first taste of the Space Dread genre, making me realize that a career as an astronaut was super not in the cards for me.


Was It Implied That There Were Bloodthirsty Monkeys or Did I Just Make That Up?
This game freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid. And while there's nothing explicitly scary about it, the feeling that you are somewhere you shouldn't be persists. Those puzzles were waaay too hard for a kid! Luckily my dad figured them out for me.