Pretty deeply mystical adventure/exploration game.
Dare I say it's somewhat minimalist - it doesn't rely on a huge map, an extreme amount of characters, or even being a very long game. It does however, have multiple endings and quite a few secrets.
It's low-poly PS1 style managed to be just the right niche for me, and I imagine many others. It has a very charming graphical style, which while trying to mimic the PS1 look, ends up giving it a unique sheen all of it's own.
Not unlike many adventure games, it has plenty of "how the heck was I supposed to know how to do that?" moments.
Ultimately though, it's a very deeply meditative and somber game. Despite some cute character designs, it's far from light. The ultimate tone it produces is one of serenity and acceptance, however.

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
