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Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 11, 2021

Platforms Played


Now my favorite one, Assassin's Creed Uni- wait what is this?

A 5 hour totally not a standalone expansion for ac4 in which you play as a templar? That sounds sick!

But well it's quite bad. The gameplay feels tired and gets old quickly meanwhile the story is utterly atrocious. Though with a nice start and cool ending, everything in between that is...not great.

Shay is likeable and his motives are understandable as...we'd all leave our friends if they made us destroy an entire city and kill thousands of innocents...but joining the templars and fighting to enslave humanity so fast is quite stupid.

One minute he's all about freedom then he's all about order with no second thoughts...or really much thought put into it.

This never gets brought up once in the game either and this game doesn't go for the anti hero story but actually wants you to go with the story and plot thinking that the templars are the good guys. If you title this simply as 'Rogue' and make someone who never heard of Assassin's Creed play this game they'll never figure out that the Assassins are actually the good guys. It's simply unlikeable on a fundamental level.

In this game they basically just swapped colors between the templars and assassins and that was it. The templars are perfect and do everything right and are the good guys and the assassins are the bad guys who do everything wrong and are all gonna be killed by you and your cast of forgettable friends including....that guy with...y'know the one with like...the funny voice or something?

Well Haytham is in this game quite a bit but he lacks his charisma and personality and only gets it back right at the end of the game because ofc he does ONLY at the end.

You see with AC Brotherhood and Revelations what kept me going was the fact the stories were still good-great, even if the gameplay got old at least the story was there to drive me to keep playing as I wanted to see what would happen to Ezio.

But when you don't really change much about the gameplay and offer a story that wastes it's potential with unlikeable and forgettable characters where even then at the end it’s all for nothing since AC3 happens and undoes everything in this game and THEN at the end you find out in the modern day setting that you're going through Shay's memory just because someone wanted to send that footage to the assassins so he could shitpost them or something…

That's when you've got yourself a lazy shitty and forgettable game not deserving of the "underrated" label. Mostly forgotten and ignored for good reason.