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October 28, 2021

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The 2nd game in the COD series is your typical sequel, it takes what worked and amplifies it while changing or removing things that didn't work in the original.

But ultimately, while its a better game in every way I do find it more forgettable and less interesting than the first one, still 3 campaigns in this one, same factions, Cpt Price appears again which made me realize theres only 2 mainline COD entries from Infinity Ward that don't feature him as a main character which...is kinda sad when you think about it.

Anyways, story is once again nothing to write home about not that anybody cares about the story in a formulaic ww2 shooter.

The levels are a bit by the numbers, yeah there's the parts where you snipe, where you drive a tank, dozens of DEFEND THE AREA sections which I started to hate, you name it, this game has it.

But that's not much of a negative, sure its formulaic but it is a good formula for this game and given the good-but-not-great gunplay and the more open/less liniar level design of certain missions, they do a lot to save the game from feeling really bland.

Most of what I said about COD1 also applies here.
There's no health packs here which is nice, regenerating health works a lot better for this type of game even if it makes you sorta op when you can take 15 bullets, lie on your ass for 10 secs and then get up and be completely fine but whatever, its fun.

They also removed quick saving (only checkpoints this time, though they're a lot more frequent so its no big deal) so you can't F5 your way through harder sections of the game for better or for worse.

That's kinda it when it comes to cod2, its an intense but rather formulaic shooter that builds onto the original in some expected but nice ways but not enough to make it great when coming into it these days.

What I'll say to end the review, the best and worst of the series has yet to come and the series is only just about to truly start.