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August 31, 2020

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Advanced Warfare...tries.

It tries to innovate, it tries to bring the series into a new generations, it tries to tell a story, it sure as hell tries a lot of stuff.

The issue is that it's Call Of Duty, it tries to tell an interesting story but it's plot is literally the only 2 existent CoD plots mashed up, first you fight terrorists then the US gets invaded.

It tries to bring the series into a new generations and innovate but it's still CoD, no amount of cool new shiny gadgets and abilities can hide how painfully linear and rail road-y this game is. Even more than before.

It's design feels super outdated with itself and at odds with its gameplay, you can slide and double jump and can climb walls when the game tells you too and have a grappling hook but all the levels are super linier and you're never truly allowed to use your abilities in many meaningful and fun ways. There's invisible walls everywhere, if you dare go a bit to the right when you're supposed to go to the left well...BACK TO THE LAST CHECKPOINT BITCH!

Don't even get me started on the quick time events. Not exactly a "quick" time event but the infamous Press F to Pay Respects thing shows how much this game thinks you're a fucking moron for playing it (and AW I am a moron but for reasons outside of me having this game on steam), to the game you can't feel bad unless the game tells you. What's next? Press F to Feel Sad? I wouldn't put it past them.

The game also introduced loot boxes into CoD...so thats also another thing to hold against this game.

Buuut there is a reason this isn't a 1-3/10 so lets talk about some positives. Map design is alright, theres a nice variety ig.

The game looks a billion times better than Ghosts and they seemed to put a lot of effort into the game especially with it still looking fairly good even 7 years later unlike Ghosts which would have looked bad if it came out in 2011. Gunplay is also pretty great, which yeah should be standard for this series but it is a positive nonetheless. So the game is kinda fun. Grenades are pretty fun and useless.

Back to the negatives, this game is painfully easy, played my 2nd playthrough on veteran and barely had any issues, whenever I died it was because I was playing like a dumbass not because the game was hard or anything.

All in all, game sucks but I found myself enjoying it slightly more than BO2 and way more than Ghosts, so why is it not a 5 or above?

Well again it did introduce loot boxes and for as good as the F meme is, it does show how little respect this series has for its players at this point so why should I give it a score that it doesn't deserve?