So essentially this game is a generic 3rd person liniar shooter with god awful cover mechanics, predictable AI, boring uninteresting “gritty” story that wants a pass because it calls itself "ugly" so suddenly it's ok that the whole game is just you killing Chinese people over and over and over again and totally different from every other game in which you do stuff like that.

Almost no variation in where the missions take place and also 80% of the missions look and feel identical to each other. Unlikeable characters that aren't even interesting to watch and a really brief run time of about 4 hours in which all you do is just shoot people, NOTHING ELSE.

It also feels like a very unambitious and pointless game that doesn't strive to do anything different with it's gameplay and the whole gameplay loop is just go to cover, peak out to shoot enemy...go to the next cover and repeat and it's gunplay feels very mediocre, half the time it sounds like you're using toy guns and there isn't much impact or much variation in the guns and even then all but 2 guns are worthless most of the time (shotgun and pistol).

Also for some reason shotguns are better than assault rifles at long range so there isn't really a reason to use any other weapons, it boils down to using your shotgun then using the other weapons when you run out till you find another shotgun or ammo for your shotgun.

It’s a shallow game with nothing to offer in terms of an interesting narrative, or interesting/fun gameplay loop (cover shooting shouldn’t be the ONLY thing you do in a game, even the cliche and boring helicopter sequence is essentially just popping out of cover and shooting enemies before going back in cover and repeating that), or anything. This game offers NOTHING, it’s just a soulless and bland game made because the first game sold enough to warrant a sequel and there’s NO innovation or anything to make it stand out…

Oh right my bad they made the camera shake really hard and put in some filters that made me think I needed to clean my glasses at first, it’s headache inducing for the first 2 hours before it loses its effect then you just become numb, you zone out during the shootouts and try not to fall asleep during the cutscenes.

Kane And Lynch 2: Dog Days is lazy, its a 3rd person liniar shooter because that’s what was trendy with a visual gimmick that is supposed to sell you on the game alone because otherwise this game is not worth fucking shit.

Take that shit away and it’s a worthless unlikeable shitfest of meaningless violence with no ambition or point to make, the characters never grow, they are the same at the start and end with nothing learned which makes them completely uninteresting to watch since you know they won’t really grow or become better/worse people, they’re pretty much fucking evil with how many people they kill in this game and it’s all supposed to be okay because the devs said it’s an “ugly” game. I mean christ the last mission only seems to exist to pad out the pathetic game length (me getting the game for less than 1$ doesn’t excuse it being a 4 hour long game that costed 60$ at launch)

This game is no different from Medal Of Honor 2010/Warfighter or any other meaningless shooter in which you just shoot foreigners, if this shit can get revived and seen as some unique misunderstood piece of art then get ready for when we will all start praising Fallout 76 because not putting in human NPC’s is actually a novel concept that worked out a lot better than people say it did and wasn’t just them going guys look at all this work we didn’t put in

I don’t get this game, I’m with the critics that hated it back when it came out and nothing will prb make me switch sides. If you like it, good for you, but personally I feel like a lot of the praise the game gets doesn’t reflect the actual game when you sit down and play it yourself. It’s not fun, it’s numbing, I didn’t enjoy a second of this game no matter how much I tried, fucking hell at least Medal Of Honor 2010 had one ok mission that was sorta memorable, this couldn’t even achieve that, the infamous mission in which you’re naked in the streets isn’t that much different from the other missions if you really think about it, yeah you’re still just going from cover to cover and shooting people so there isn’t much to make it memorable outside of it sounding really funny on paper.

In other words, 1/10, fucking abomination of a game and the worst game I’ve ever played, Ride To Hell at least was funny in how bad it was.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2021
