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Review based on PC version, that does not contain any online servers or split screen.

Disney Infinity 1.0 is something I'm sure I would have appreciated much more if I played this while younger. Essentially it is a game engine where you can create Sandbox levels with some Disney themes. From what I've played, everything kinda seems barebones. At it's strongest, you can get a cool platforming level out of it. At it's weakest you'll get a semi-empty open world sandbox with collect X item missions or beat X enemies. The singleplayer is pretty much basic missions teaching you the necessities to see how the engine works.

But what really hurts this game is the fact that there is no online to share and play other levels. The ability to make your own "Toy Box" is there, but the fact that you can't share it or at least play some split screen really makes it pointless.

It's a good idea, and I'm sure the later versions get much better, but without continued support, there really is no point to playing this.