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This game starts off with a lot of promise. You can definitely see the increase in budget from the first game, however you quickly realise that this isn't just a straight sequel to Ty 1, it's a different type of game.

The best way to describe the change is that's like going from Jak and Daxter to Jak 2 (I.e a collectathon platformer to an open world mission based game), which isn't necessarily a bad thing, in fact I like Jak 2 more than Jak 1 however Ty 2 doesn't execute this transition well.

It plays exactly like the first game while not actually giving the tools to adapt to its new structure, making the game very tedious.

While in it's open world, Ty 2 has all the Australian charm the first game had, however it quickly loses that charm in the linear levels this game now has, as opposed to open levels from the first game due to the fact that there is a bigger open world.

The first game is still my favourite, however Ty 2 is an okay follow up with some missed potential.