A game with so much potential bogged down by it's fun but repetitive gameplay and generic open world. Maybe it was playing this game right after Elden Ring which was a breath of fresh air for the open world forumla, I was disappointed when I opened the map and it was littered with Ubisoft-like objectives.

Despite the disappointing open world formula, the open world of Tokyo is one of the most detailed gorgeous open worlds modeled in a video game. Not a bad Tokyo sightseeing game. Besides sightseeing, the map doesn't offer much besides collecting and killing stuff (and the occasional yakuza-like shopping) The other most impressive part of this game is the combat.

The best way to describe it would be a first person Dr Strange simulator. From beginning to end, the aesthetics of the combat always felt so satisfying and punchy with its beautiful visual/particle effects and weight thanks to the dualsense controller. However even with all this, unfortunately the combat is not deep and always comes down to 'charge, shoot, charge, shoot' until the enemy is dead. Keep note that was also being played on Hard mode.

Perhaps the fact that you had different types of magic which corresponded with different elements made me expect that different types of enemies would have certain weaknesses to these elements, but nonetheless all the enemies react the same no matter which type of magic you're using.

Finally the story felt like somewhat of an afterthought, then again Story has always been the weakest point of Tango Gameworks' games. As a huge Shinji Mikami fan, this was one of my most anticipated games, however after finally getting my hands on this I felt like I was being teased with what could've been one of my favourite games if it was more of a Japanese skinned Resident Evil game (which is what I think most people were thinking this game was going to be when it was first announced?). Fortunately this game was short so it ended just before I was starting to get bored. I can definitely see a lot of potential with a sequel as all the ideas are there, just executed poorly.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
