Megaman X Dive is pure fanservice. Every character in the entire series is pretty much playable so you have your dream roster as a Megaman fan. Having said that, the most important thing here in Megaman games, the gameplay, is absolutely terrible and watered down as it is a mobile game. The game is super easy and there is next to no platforming. There are hundreds of levels here which boil down to run down a hall and auto shoot enemies for 30 seconds. The idea of a great Megaman game for fans is here, it's just executed terribly.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024


I bounced off of the demos for both the online and offline versions. I don't really get why people ever enjoyed this game outside of novelty.

1 month ago

@CretinWorkshop you'll be surprised how many people love gatcha games no matter how shallow the gameplay can get