Pseudoregalia has the bones and structure of so many things I like in video games. The game is a 3D Platoforming Metroidvania akin to Blue Fire or like a 3D Ori and the Blind Forest a.k.a Good Shit.

The game has some of the smoothest best feeling controls in a 3D platformer I have ever felt. All you start off with is a basic jump, but as you explore, progress, doing metroidvania things, you unlock more and more of your movement options. By the middle of the game you will be zipping zooming and bouncing all around the levels. Rooms that took you minutes to get through at the beginning will take you seconds by the end. As a Metroidvania it is expected you need to unlock things to access new places. So naturally the things you unlock are new platforming moves, meaning you still need to earn access to the new place by using your new platformer moves, whether it's a wall kick, wall run, long jump etc.

The gameplay here is nothing but a pure 5/5 and I would change nothing about it.

The level design is really good here as you unlock more moves, you given more than one way to access a location. There is a bit of backtracking here, but once you get used to the map you can figure out where to go. No problem there.

I love the homage to N64 graphics. I was a N64 kid so it brought back a nice familiar feeling.

My major gripe with the game is all the aesthetics of the levels. You are in one big castle, but everything is just so bland. No matter which section you are in, all the visuals feel like the equivalent of stale bread. This does have a huge hinderance on enjoying considering all you are doing here is platforming. There is essentially no story, and the music is very bland. If the platforming wasn't really really good, I would be bored out of my mind. It was apparent when I had to backtrack through the same locations like 10 times because I needed to find out where I needed to go next, but I had to cross the bland castle over and over again.

I hope the dev takes this game to the next level with a sequel that keeps the same concept, but just has better production overall. I can see a game like this being of my favorites of all time.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2024


2 months ago

Welcome to the Waiting-For-Blazing-Dynamo party with the rest of us.

2 months ago

@Nilichi this is how I find out there is a successor called Blazing Dynamo

2 months ago

More like Pseudoregalia was always just practice for Blazing Dynamo and Goodnight Sunlight. Elektrokinetic is Rittzler's next upcoming release, presumably to be followed by Goodnight Sunlight.