I've had this game on my backlog for a very long time, dreading to actually play it. At the same time, the longer I leave it the longer I don't get to experience the rest of the Castlevania franchise - yes I am that person that needs to play every mainline title in a series in order - so quite frankly if I never did play it, Simon's Quest would have successfully gatekept me from this iconic Konami franchise.

I've picked this game up in the past and dropped it after endless headaches, and getting stuck and unlimited frustration. This time I just swallowed my pride and said fuck it. I played using a guide and some savestates to beat this shit in about 2 hours and finally get it over and done with.
I can gladly say that I am so happy I just swallowed the pill and finally finished it because I am never playing this piece of shit again. I am so happy I can move onto Castlevania III and IV.

If you lived on the internet during the 2000s, I don't think I need to explain what is so bad about this game. But to give you my version of it; what I loved about the original Castlevania, while it was hard as balls, it was a game you could just pick up, play though some levels and beat the game in about 2 hours if you're good enough. You don't need any guides, there's no bullishit. You walk to the right, whip skeletons and bats, beat the boss at the end - next level and you're done. Anyone can pick it up.
Somehow Konami said "Nah that was shit - let's just change the formula for the sequel" and made a cryptic open world with annoying sections where you're prone to get stuck, the worst mechanics introduced in a video game and boring/cheap copy paste bullshot level design with extended padding and some annoying JRPG grinding. If you don't play this with a guide for the first time, you are a masochist.

I am so happy that this game is no longer a looming pain in my backlog and I can finally get to the good Castlevania shit. Thank you video game guides and emulators for making this a little more bearable.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024


15 days ago

It was ahead of it's time in so many ways but lacked the finesse to hold up playing it now days. I really can't stand it but I do respect what they were trying. I too used a guide and would never have beaten it without it lol!

15 days ago

@FallenGrace To be fair I understood their vision, but yeah the execution was just terrible. It was another go at a Zelda 2-like. Seems like that style of structure was cursed till Phoenotopia Awakening

15 days ago

I like this game a lot and Iā€™m not sure why everyone hates it but I respect your opinion. Thanks for sharing!

14 days ago

@LuluKachoo nah it's all good, I can see why some people may like it, and more power if you do. That just means there's more games for you to enjoy than me šŸ˜‰

14 days ago

@DoctorIssa not that there aren't better Castlevanias though! I'm jealous you have the whole series ahead of you lol. I've played most but not all of them. Great series.