If i play through anymore of this i will boom-kill myself.

Really just has all the same problems the Danganronpa games do. Extremely overwritten dialogue and tedious minigames that only detract from the fun of solving a mystery.
Has the same protagonist as all the danganronpa games, with amnesia too of course. Most of their dialogue just repeating the same info we've already learned over and over. I swear you could ignore 2 thirds of the text in these games and not miss a thing. Why do they add a 10 minute, unskipple recap to the ends of the chapters after youve spent 2 hours of the characters recapping the mystery along the way? Its excruciating.

Um, i do like the city. Cool place to poke around. Its kind of a shame they've taken away the dating sim stuff and replaced it with just finding your memories laying around? Like, it doesnt even make sense with his amnesia, but whatever. Theyve also went with the 3 Houses style of "Poorly animated 3d models in front of static backgrounds." Shit just looks worse than traditional vn portraits.
I didnt get to know the cast too well. Maybe theyre fun. They all have great names.

I just dont know how people can sit through all this and think its great. Fucking mysteriful

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

To each their own I guess