Ive played for like 30 minutes so far. just been flipping through the menus, meeting the characters, building a mech. havent even started a real battle yet. Its already one of the coolest games ive ever played.

this game is trash, but at least you can dress up your dude. And what is up with this box art? lol

Absolutley unsurprisingly, they botched it

worked for me.
kinda confused why it has all this hate on backloggd lol

Pretty cool. Wish it was a bit shorter. I'm surprised it has such low rating, and having "this infamous Japanese clone of Gears of War" in the description is shitty.

Did not think I'd like this based on the cover. But it's a lot more charming than it seemed.

There is no variety in the gameplay at all. You just do like 20 fights and they all play exactly the same. No interesting spin on the story, just the regular DBZ stuff abridiged so heavily im not sure it would even make sense if you werent already familar.
Really just needed to make you goofily act out more scenes than just 1 on 1 fights.
Also the goku hair is very hard to keep on.

Like, its a mess, obviously, but I thought it was pretty fun. The only really terrible thing about this game are all the ugly ass UI elements and text-effects.
Years ago I saw an xbox copy at a flea market for $60. I always heard it was one of the worst games ever, so that got me curious. Instead I bought a $5 copy on ebay and played through it with a friend.
The way drake is animated is absolutely wild, and I love how edgy he is.
I like that you don't really have to aim, you kind of just parkour around the levels and try not to die until Drake has killed everyone. Both the story and the game itself are super fast paced and over in a few hours.
I feel like if this was an indie game released today people would enjoy it, so I guess all the hate is contextual.

We booted up the .wad instead of the .pk3 or whatever because we don't know anything about doom. We got all the keys in the house and finished the level. After playing like 7 more levels of regular doom 2 we figured something was up and realized we were doing it wrong.

As someone with no real experience with doom or doom mods I thought it was pretty cool. I was mostly just found the atmosphere, architecture, stange geometry stuff very engaging. Very fun to explore. We did use a guide, I don't think we would have seen much at all if we were trying to figure it out on our own. It was fun though. I didn't really try to follow the narrative at all, and im not interested in the meta fictional stuff surrounding the game. This was cool though. Got me to play some doom, which is actually fun, and I'd be interested seeing what other weird mod stuff exists.

Apparently i played this aftering drinking way too much watching the 2022 game awards.
I have absolutely no memory of this game.

In the first game when you look down you see your body.