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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 1, 2024

Platforms Played


A clunky shonen-y Wizard of Oz meets Paradise Lost meets Kingdom Hearts kinda action game with one (1) mechanic that gets squeezed for as much value as possible in the 7 hours of its runtime.

You bounce enemies around with your one combo, charge your special attack meter, and then use the special attack on whatever is the puzzle-like thing that needs to be special attacked in this level. And then you do it a bunch more, with slight variations, until you get through all the 19 levels. (I like the bit where you have to use your one throwy combo to feed enemies to giant worms. Highlight of the game together with that one late-game enemy that rides a lil scooter around)

Kind of a bad game tbh, but I enjoyed it well enough. The character designs are good, and the combat doesn't require much thinking, so y'know, it's cool. Good game to play while sick.