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Oh, this is a fan game alright...BECAUSE IT BLOWS! I mean, it controls like it's on ice, and don't even get me started on the thok! Sonic just dashes forward like an impossible to control bullet...but the game still kind of works? I mean...it REALLY works..? How is that possible? This game's appeal is as mysterious as the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman that took hold of all of American culture in the mid 1990s. I don't think OJ did it, he doesn't strike me as a killer. I mean, he's a bit eccentric, but all great figures are. Isaac Newton, despite giving us the laws of classical physics that are still foundational and influential to the science of today, was also an unbelievably crude and unlikeable man. It doesn't mean we should disregard his contributions. SRB2 is a great game precisely BECAUSE it follows so closely to Newton's laws of motion, even with all of the baggage that comes along with them.