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1 day

Last played

December 14, 2021

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Another great Trails game, it had a lot to live up to following the Liberl trilogy and it didn't disappoint. The world building is better than ever, with Crossbell already being my favorite location in the series, the cast is fleshed out really well for a first game and there's a lot of engaging mysteries and stellar moments that both set up the future of the series and tie up loose ends perfectly.
Some things could've been better, while the many improvements in combat are welcomed, the new system to run away from battles is baffling and made field traversal so much worse than sky, especially in more complicated dungeons with a good amount of backtracking. The final dungeon suffered especially from this, as it didn't have many things that made it stood out, was very long and the enemies respawning constantly got on my nerves. Some of the characters, especially the antagonists, didn't get the time they needed or actually just didn't have much to them, which is a shame but the lore we got kind of made up for it.
I'm falling in love with this series more and more as it does so many things right, and hope it keeps surpassing my expectations and delivering great experiences like this one.