Log Status






Time Played

65h 48m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 12, 2021

Platforms Played


This game feels a lot like a wonky ps3 jrpg... because it is. Incredible story, but takes a determined player to make it through all the only-decent gameplay.

Egregious gameplay padding. Feels a lot like 'fetchquests, the game', and asks the player to replay the latter half a total of 4 times to get the true ending. These playthroughs get shorter and shorter as you know where exactly to go and fights become easier the more powerful your character gets, but it feels like blatant padding to boost the total gameplay hour count.
Wikipedia needed to explain some prominent story omissions. The world of Nier is wide and complex, but the game could have done a better job of explaining everything within the game itself. The story is very satisfying without the external content, but if you want to understand even what happens in the prologue entirely, you gotta look it up.

10/10 Story. The ending makes the journey more than worth it. Absolutely blown away. Has a much simpler and effective thesis statement than Automata.
10/10 Music. Everyone raves about the music in this game and rightfully so. My favorite piece is the final boss theme.
10/10 atmosphere. The music combined with the visuals make an incredibly unique world.
10/10 characters. They are all interesting and worth learning about. Wonderfully voice acted as well.
*Willing to take risks. I love the kind of game that is willing to try something new and shake up the status quo. That is Nier. It combines bullet hell, 3rd person shooter, action rpg, farming, and even a few other things that I will not spoil here. Just know that it is a wild ride and is well worth it.

Overall this game is a wild success and well worth playing if you have the patience. The gameplay and pacing is the weakest part of the game, but somehow everything else about it more than makes up for it to make a truly memorable experience. Recommend.