A New Age of Gaming! Fave Games of the 2020s

I had been dragging my feet with 2020 games but luckily in 2023 I got my rear into gear and played enough titles for me to feel comfortable in making a new favourites list for this decade.

A very breezy and cute PnCA. By the end, I was quite fascinated by this anthropomorphic dinosaur world!
I got wonderfully lost in this non-stop puzzle game. I explore the world, not caring about a destination, only caring about solving the next puzzle I could find. I love the mechanics and how the game evolved them.
A triple-A game that's pretty stylish with a solid story and great characters. The combat is fast, like a western take on a character action game.
A delightful world to explore and doodle upon! I liked the character designs and the laid-back challenge with interesting mechanics and lots of opportunity for expression.
One of the definitive SMW romhacks. Its gameplay, graphics, and story are bespoke in a way that a proper new Mario would be. It was pretty hard and occasionally frustrating but I can't think of any other SMW with its quality.
A very fun RPG that is bespoke with so much of its design. Although I had issues with the plot, playing this game helped me understand what I like in video game length.
This retro-styled JRPG has a lot of mechanics to play around with, a huge world to explore, and has great challenge to make both elements come together nicely. It's a classic JRPG experience with a cool class system and even post-game challenges.
The sequel to one of my favourite games of 2014 is a splendid platformer with a deep verbset and loads of cool levels to master.
Point and click adventure was a genre I had written off. I didn't enjoy many of them and didn't think they were for me.

Beyond the Edge of Owlsgard hit me like a bullseye and made me realize what I could love about them. I was delighted to explore the game's magical world, getting familiar with these detailed & earthy spaces. The story balances colourful cartoon humour with a serious plot featuring some intriguing world-building. I came off this title finding a new interest in PnCAs that I nourished over the rest of the year!
This short first-person adventure was a lot of fun to explore. There were a lot of emotions felt when I played this, but even the frustration felt profound. This was a cool world to explore and the aesthetics are enticing.
I was hyped for this one, and although I have problems with it, it gave me a lot of what I wanted out of an end of the world narrative. After finishing it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Not often a piece of media sticks with me like GVH did.


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