For some reason I forgot to review this back in January, so my memory here is a bit hazy.

In the last couple FE games that I played, I enjoyed the flow of the battles and the many ways you could upgrade, customize, and tactfully deploy your characters. They had somewhat off-putting and meaningless moments of dialogue, but for the most part; I could deal with it. Some of it was actually interesting.

However, this game throws half the game under the bus. The dialogue is almost all meaningless and frequently downright cringeworthy. By the second half of the game, I gave up reading anything that wasn't the main plot. I skipped all dialogue. It's that bad.

That's kind of alright with me, though, because what I care about most is how a game plays. This is still a good tactical RPG. Although I wasn't particularly fond of how you interact in the "hub" - it felt very shallow. I didn't care for the way you have to go about your inventory management either. It isn't streamlined very well and relies a lot on you running from vendor to vendor trying to sort it all out. Blah. On the other hand, the core of the gameplay you would expect from FE is great. The fights were fun and everything is fluid - including the battle UI. I enjoyed the way you could pair past FE characters with your new units. It felt like a fun way to push this game slightly more in the Persona direction, which they did (in a completely different way with Three Houses). It's weird; they really want FE to be Persona but they're only half-committing.

This is especially true and even more strange because I am currently playing Persona 5 Tactica and it blows this game out of the water. It's better in every way. It really goes to show how shallow FE:E is in terms of the narrative, general writing, and especially how bland the characters are. While playing through this I did not care about any single character. The coolest part was seeing characters like Roy, Ike, and Marth in action. It's pretty reliant on fanservice (no, not that kind) (well, actually - that kind, too).

Unfortunately I don't remember all the finer aspects of the game at this point, but that just goes to show that this game is not memorable whatsoever.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
