Unsurprisingly, this is one of the best controlling games ever. I love the movement. It's almost on par with Neon White in this regard. The visuals, the music, and the feeling you get when you traverse a level are all excellent. Otherwise, there are some issues. The hub is unnecessary, the writing is bad - the acting is even worse. It's pretty awkward in terms of story presentation. It would be a better game if it was rid of all of this. That's one area I recall the first game actually being superior for. Also, the levels are a bit too sprawling. It's a bit of a negative point, as well. In every other way; the sequel is better. It's super fun to play, and that's what matters most. At least you can skip the dialogue. :)

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024


3 months ago

How would you say it compares to the first? More of the same, or does it go in new directions?
@cowboyjosh I'd say it felt largely similar. There are combat/movement additions that make the game more fluid, which I appreciate a lot. However, it's a little less focused on that chaotic action. Too much down time and a strange part in the center that gets a bit too "open-world" without much reason.

Soo.. the parts that are more of the same = great.
The parts that go in new directions = iffy.