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Gameplay in L4D is fantastic, it takes a few rounds to learn all the Special Infected quirks, and the layout of the maps, but everything feels intuitive and natural. The only flaw I can truly find with the Gameplay is VS mode being kinda boring and an untapped gold mine of gameplay. I just feel like not enough was put into that side of things, and its disappointing that also didnt improve much in L4D2. Theres a variety of gamemodes provided to shake up the experience and keep everything fresh. You can easily loose 100-200 hours playing L4D over the years with friends for short bursts.

L4D never leaves the mind, always sits in the back of your brain as a unique and fun experience that you would not mind revisiting with a couple of friends. Every few years I revisit L4D and remind myself of the Magic of the time period it so lovingly encapsulates. In many ways, L4D will make you feel like a kid again when your playing with a group of 4, as you remind yourself of the friends you originally tackled the campaigns with.

For that alone, this game stands on a very special pedestal for me. One I know I can always revisit, and one I know I will always enjoy.