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1 day

Last played

June 2, 2020

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The Dark Souls 3 Expansion pass is made up of two different DLC - The Ashes of Ariendel and The Ringed City. The DLC previously in the Dark Souls series is some of the best in the Biz - the expansion in DS1 expands on famous characters and adds killer new bosses, abilities and new areas. DS2 expansions are now famous because of just how much better than the base game they are! How did DS3 fair?

Pretty crap, honestly.

Well, they're not CRAP. That's unduly harsh. They're certainly not very good however... Ariendel is VERY short but takes place in a beautiful winter area. It has some neat ideas like snowdrifts that drop out beneath you + a wolf pack that harasses you throughout much of the adventure (hear that howling on the wind? Better get ready!) and some neat visuals but is ultimately super thin. It sets up some neat lore implications with the additions of how the paintings work and denizens can move between them but has no real narrative meat to it. It DOES however have a very nice final boss with a THREE PHASE transformation that is dope but other than the art style + Friede fight I have nothing really nice to say about it.