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April 3, 2020

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The newest entry to our Resi Series playthrough - RE3 Remake! I was pretty fond of the original RE3 but definitely did not love it as much as the previous couple games and that sorta unfortunately remains true??? After the system shock to me last year that was Resi 2 REmake, I was definitely psyched to be getting another main RE game so quickly to sink my teeth into. Jill is one of my favorite RE protagonists after REmake 1 + 3, and she got done real dirty in 5 - so I was happy to get this chance to play as her again and boy is she SASSY in this one. Though in fairness she was pretty sassy in RE3 original as well so it tracks "You want STARS? I'll give you STARS!" which hardly even makes sense... but it was replaced by the 11/10 line about Nemesis after he plunges into a river

"Bitch can't even swim"

which honest to god might increase the game a whole letter grade..

So RE3 is very much in the vein of RE2 Remake - over the shoulder camera, zombies and other enemies are tough as nails while the atmosphere is off the damn charts. It feels like there's fewer puzzles in this one and the areas are certainly less densely designed as RE2. 2 often feels like half of the challenge is "I have this piece that needs to go over there - what's my best route and what am I going to face on the way?" which is not really a thing in RE3. It's mostly just going from place to place and getting what you need and moving on - the pace is MUCH faster all around, as evident by the fact it only took me part of a day to beat this, unlike the couple weeks it took for RE2 lololol. Also I'm just not fucking terrified of everything like I was playing RE2 lololol. There's a great sense of progression with weaponry as well, most REs do this at least, but 3 feels like quite a jump in terms of how I felt at the end of the game with fully loaded grenade launchers, 40 shotgun shells and 400 assault rifle bullets! I was nigh unstoppable at the end there.. The end with Nemesis was pretty great, though I do miss VARIETY in my boss battles, seeing Nemesis just keep coming was amusing and vexing!

Nemesis though - I feel like he was done a LOT better in RE3 vanilla, not gonna lie. There's much less backtracking in this game, and Nemesis chasing you feels almost entirely scripted in a way that is disaapointing - Mr. X felt a lot cooler in terms of an unflappable enemy, though Nemesis is far more deadly than him, rather than a regular obstacle. I'm just not a huge fan of scripted sequences honestly so a decent amount of his stuff fell a bit flat. Still liked him as a "Oh he can do what now?" at the start of each beat, but it felt odd almost never actually worrying about him while playing the game regularly when he's such a part of the original. Though in fairness while he may show up more in the original - he was much easier to get away from since all you had to do was change screens, albeit sometimes frequently, and there were pretty large sections of the game where he basically never showed up also. So while in a way it's a tad disappointing, it is also expected a bit - and a bit more appreciated? Not sure I'd like being stalked the entire time lolol

Story wise we're talking a MAJOR upgrade because obviously? There is no more ridiculous translation bullshit and just terrible editing everywhere "This is my, last escape", everything is competently written now! Nicholai is a damn fine villain for this, acted very well and I think pretty obviously working for Wesker right..? They should've hinted at that more! Carlos is even more likeable than last time, and he and Jill have a great relationship and banter. The Carlos sections are super good as well, though it feels like this could've easily been another A-B scenario business especially at the end - Carlos disappears from the story after saving Jill and then just pops up with like no explanation... where were you buddy?! Glad he made it though, I thought for sure he died! No Barry at the end though in the helicopter stings a bit but eh, didn't make a lot of sense the first time around haha..Oh one more thing!! Carlos's partner Tyrell who I'm 90% sure is new for this version - fuckin' loved that dude. I spent the whole game being like "Oh yeah this dude is totally gonna stab us in the back.. I like him though!" but he didn't! He was just a damn bro and Nemesis killed him :'( RIP in peace Tyrell

So Resident Evil 3 Remake is a damn fine game on the whole. The things that are missing are unfortunate (STILL no giant spiders!?) but the additions and how well the things that are there ARE done is so great I can mind all that much. A competent story with genuinely likeable characters keeps the plot moving, two great antagonists one human and one very not. The gameplay of manuevering around infested areas and carefully taking your shots is nerve wracking and the off the fuckin' charts atmosphere and sound effects make this a damn fine horror game. It is unfortunately short and lacks some of the extras that RE2 has which is unfortunate in terms of how much value I will get out of it, and ultimately the lack of tight design and maps of RE2 make this a bit of a step down overall. That said, I still loved my time with it and am eager to return some day in the near future..