The Park 2015

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 24, 2020

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4~5 years after purchasing this and feeling it stare at me guiltily from my library... Damn solid game actually! A bit by the numbers, but it actually remembers to MAKE something of its plot, characters and themes (oh hi there Paratopic didn't mean to DUNK on you from over there) so that's very much in its favor..

So you're a lady (I forgot her name already) who has seemingly been separated from her son (...I forgot his name too?!) in a recently closed Amusement Park. What a dunce am I right?? Well things get creepier from there as things go from unfortunate to REAL bad REAL quick as the young mother makes her way on the rides of this place to try and figure out what the heck happened to them both... It's a pretty neat premise actually - you are chasing your child, so obviously any ridiculously scary thing in your way that any regular human being would take one look at and say "Well fuck that I'm out!", she is going to keep going. And in the early game you do actually see your son hop on each ride, which is why you end up going on them all - a slow water ride turned into a ghost story telling, a mini-car spin ride stalked by a giant scarecrow monster, bumper cars, etc... And that is essentially "The game" - you go to a part of the park, read some lore drops on notes, find the ride, get the SPOOKS and then move onto the next spot. The game is only 1.5~2 hours so it very much does not overstay its welcome and reaches its "point" pretty quick and I do think it is a quite good premise. Is it basically just ripping off Silent Hill 2 but about a lady and her kid vs. a man and his wife? Yes, but now I can actually appreciate the... homage?

As we're moving through this spooksville town we get lots of lore about how the place may have been INTENTIONALLY built on an Evil parcel of land to do... bad things... and that lots of bad stuff happened here, including the death of the father/husband of our main protagonists. Neat! We also learn that maybe our PC isn't the best of moms, which leads to a reaaaaaaallly good ending that leads into some proper adult horror shit - what if you have kids... and end up deeply hating and resenting them? What then?

So yeah, the game is a literal and figurative spooky theme park for you to walk through and get a neat story told to you and some right proper spooks with a genuinely twisted yet quite open ending. I dig it!